Tiny PokemonGo guide to getting Pikachu as your first Pokemon

*PokemonGo has been a massive hit among the mobile gaming world. From kids to adults, everyone is wandering on the streets in search of Pokemons. The beauty of the game is the way it involves everything around you into the world of Pokemon. No wonder it has surpassed the installations of Tinder and the overall usage time of Facebook and WhatsApp. *

Being a childhood fan of Pokemon franchise, I couldn’t resist but try PokemonGo. As it wasn’t released for India, I got the apk and started playing it. The very first lesson thing in the game is choosing your first Pokemon. You are seen standing at a point surrounded by Squirtle, Charmender and Bulbasaur. But wait, where’s Pikachu? The cutest Pokemon of all!

The secret trick to catch first Pokemon as Pikachu in PokemonGo:

Here is what I did to get Pikachu as my first Pokemon. You have to walk some feet away from the three first Pokemons WITHOUT clicking on any of them. Then after a while you’ll be again shown three pokemon viz Charmender, Squirtle and Bulbasaur. But again you walk away. After doing this a few times, probably after some fifteen to twenty minutes, you’ll finally see Pikachu as one of the three pokemons. Just throw your Pokeball onto Pikachu and capture it. That’s it, you’ve got Pikachu as your first Pokemon.

Don’t waste star dust on Pikachu!

Yes, you heard it right. Stardust is kind of an important ingredient in the game. While Pikachu is very powerful in the anime series of Pokemon, in the app the power of Pikachu is not that much. Instead of wasting stardust and increasing its power, concentrate on getting much powerful Pokemon and increase their ability.

I’ll post some more PokemonGo guides as I keep trying new things. Connect with me on Social Media and stay tuned for updates.